How to Have a Hollywood Smile

If you have a desire to have a beautiful, white, Hollywood smile, that dream can become a reality. There are a variety of different cosmetic dental procedures that will perfect your smile. Here are some ways to have a Hollywood smile. Whiten Your Teeth One thing most Hollywood stars have in common with their teeth is that they are white and free of stains. If you want this type of smile, whitening your teeth is a good place to start. [Read More]

Do the New Ergonomic Toothbrushes Improve Teeth Cleaning?

The practice of oral hygiene hasn't changed much over the years, but with our increasing understanding of ergonomics, simple toothbrushes are being reinvented. But do they make a difference to tooth cleaning? Toothbrushes have evolved over the years – evidence of this is clear at any store isle today. Ergonomics – or the science of increasing ease and efficiency of product use – has influenced the modern toothbrush by making it easier to handle and installing bristles that can get teeth cleaner. [Read More]

3 drinks that can accelerate tooth decay

While you may be aware of the decaying effects of sugary drinks such as fruit juice and soft drinks,  many people are not as aware of the other drinks that can also wreak havoc on your teeth. Here are some other drinks that you may want only drink in moderation.  Soda water The resurge in popularity of home carbonation systems has lead to more people drinking soda water at home. While soda water seems like a healthy option ('just water with some bubbles') the carbonation process creates a mild acid called carbonic acid. [Read More]

What to Expect From a Dental Check-up

In addition to brushing and flossing on a daily basis, proper oral health involves going for regular dental check-ups. It is advisable to go for a dental check-up at least twice a year but you may be required to visit your dentist more frequently, depending on your oral health. The following article will cover what you can expect from a typical dental check-up. Cleaning and Polishing Your dentist will use equipment known as an ultrasonic dental instrument or a hand scaler to remove and scrape tartar from your teeth. [Read More]