3 drinks that can accelerate tooth decay

While you may be aware of the decaying effects of sugary drinks such as fruit juice and soft drinks,  many people are not as aware of the other drinks that can also wreak havoc on your teeth. Here are some other drinks that you may want only drink in moderation. 

Soda water

The resurge in popularity of home carbonation systems has lead to more people drinking soda water at home. While soda water seems like a healthy option ('just water with some bubbles') the carbonation process creates a mild acid called carbonic acid. The effect of this acid is multiplied if you add acidic addition such as a squeeze of lime or lemon juice. So while soda water is a great option for hydration, for people who have concerns about tooth decay it shouldn't be the exclusive way that you drink water. 

Diet soft drinks

While diet soft drinks are not high in sugar, which lowers their calorie content, they are still not a healthy choice. Indeed, some studies have compared the mouths of chronic diet soft drink consumers with drug addicts and found some starting visually similarities. Diet soft drinks can be as acidic as juices. If you can't give up your addiction quite yet, you can try swilling out your mouth with water or brushing your teeth after drinking diet drinks. 


Not only are many alcohol drinks high in sugars, or mixed with drinks that are high in sugars or acids, but alcohol can also decrease the amount of saliva in your mouth, leaving you vulnerable to decay. In particular, many people sleep less soundly overnight and get a build of bacteria due to the low saliva levels. You might be familiar with the bad morning breath that follows a night of drinking - this is the nasty bacteria at work in your mouth! To avoid this problem be sure to alternate your alcoholic drinks with still water, and use mixers that are low in acid. Brushing and flossing your teeth before you head to sleep can also help stimulate saliva production and minimise the amount of alcohol left in your mouth.

If you would like more advice on the best food and drinks to eat to prevent tooth decay, then you should speak to your dentist. They can work with you to review your current diet and work out which drinks you can substitute to improve your dental health. 
