Understanding A Dental Abscess

If you are experiencing excruciating pain in your mouth, you need to visit a dentist before it gets worse. You will probably be diagnosed with a dental abscess. The following article will give you important information about this dental problem. What Is A Dental Abscess? This is an infection inside your tooth that spreads around the root or root tip. This infection begins from the inside chamber of your tooth -- the pulp chamber. [Read More]

Dental Visit Precautions To Take When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a special time in any woman's life because that period entails so many changes in her body as she nurtures the baby in her womb. Unfortunately, pregnancy comes with its own dental challenges such as a dry mouth and pregnancy gingivitis (gum disease). This is because of the heightened activity of hormones like progesterone. As you get dental care when you are pregnant, keep the following precautions in mind: [Read More]