Dental Visit Precautions To Take When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a special time in any woman's life because that period entails so many changes in her body as she nurtures the baby in her womb. Unfortunately, pregnancy comes with its own dental challenges such as a dry mouth and pregnancy gingivitis (gum disease). This is because of the heightened activity of hormones like progesterone. As you get dental care when you are pregnant, keep the following precautions in mind:

Inform Your Dentist Of Your Pregnancy

It is important that you let your dentist know that you are pregnant. This will allow him or her to evaluate how safe any sedatives or treatments prescribed are with regard to the health of the unborn child. The dentist will take extra care when ordering X-rays and other procedures that may be risky for your unborn child. Thus, declaring your condition will protect you and the child you are carrying.

Pick The Right Timing For Your Dental Visit

The foetus develops very rapidly during the first trimester of pregnancy and there are higher risks of premature birth during the third trimester. The risk is increased in case the pregnant woman takes any medication that she reacts adversely to. Thus, the best time to see your dentist is during the second trimester when the pregnancy is most stable and the chance of complications is at its lowest. Use this time to get your routine dental checkup or treatment.

If Possible, Avoid Major Dental Procedures

Major dental procedures like having dental implants inserted should be avoided as much as possible. This is because such procedures may require a general anesthetic to be applied and that could affect your unborn child. It is therefore advisable to postpone such procedures until you have given birth.

Ask As Many Questions As You Can

To keep your mind at ease, ask the dentist as many questions as you can think of so that the answers you get allay any fears you may have about the dental care you are receiving. Additionally, inform your gynecologist or pregnancy health care specialist attending to you so that they can give their input regarding any dental procedures you are considering.

If you keep the tips above in mind, you will get the appropriate dental care that you need without adversely affecting the health of your unborn child. In case you notice anything amiss (such as dizziness) while you are undergoing dental care, immediately bring it to the attention of the dentist so that it is investigated and handled in time.
