Want to Fight Bruxism? 3 Reasons a Custom Mouth Guard Is What You Need

Do your teeth clench at night when you're sleeping? If they do, a custom mouth guard will help you prevent this annoying oral problem. However, it all starts with finding the right mouth guard. There are different types of mouth guards, and each type is designed to meet specific oral needs. You can choose standard mouth guards if you are involved in sports activities like baseball, skating and basketball. 

But if you want to fight bruxism—persistent teeth grinding—you should choose a custom mouth guard. See why a custom mouth guard is ideal for this purpose.

A Professional Dentist Will Fit It

Most of the people who buy mouth guards from a drugstore depend on DIY fitting, which is usually tedious and inefficient. From softening the device to creating the right mould, the process can be tedious, especially for someone who has never used a mouth guard. They may not bite the soft device correctly, making it impossible to get the right mould. 

However, such problems don't occur when you choose a custom mouth protector because you have a professional dentist to help you. The dentist knows what to do to make the device more comfortable and effective. If you had used or are still using orthodontic devices or braces, or perhaps if you have some serious dental issues, you shouldn't get a mouth guard from a drugstore. Instead, you should choose a custom mouth guard because a professional dentist will help you fit it.

The Dentist Will First Assess Your Needs

When you go for a custom mouth guard, the dentist doesn't just start the fitting process; they first assess if your bruxism is serious or mild. This helps them to customise the mouth protector, depending on your oral needs. Without professional assessment, the device may not correctly fit in the mouth, and this means it won't address the problem adequately. 

During the assessment stage, the dentist may discover the adjustments they need to make—something that doesn't happen when you buy the device from a drug store and fit it yourself. Moreover, the dentist may also assess the kind of care the custom mouth protector requires.

The Dentist Will Monitor the Device

After fitting the custom device, the dental professional doesn't end their work there. They usually schedule several checkups to know if the mouth guard is effective or if they need to adjust it. Such checkups also help the dentist to monitor your biting behaviour or jaw changes and how they affect the efficiency of the mouth guard. If the device doesn't seem to prevent bruxism as expected, the dentist will find some ways to make it more effective.

Bruxism is an oral problem that causes discomfort or even jaw pain sometimes. However, a custom mouth guard can effectively help keep it at bay. Unlike other mouth guards, a custom mouth guard is an incredible solution for anyone who wants to stop bruxism.
