How to Know Whether You Should Undergo Teeth Whitening Treatment

One of the treatments offered by cosmetic dentists is teeth whitening. As its name suggests, teeth whitening is a dental procedure carried out to whiten and brighten stained or discoloured teeth, so that to improve a patient's smile. It is, however, important to point out that teeth whitening treatment isn't recommended for everyone with stained or discoloured teeth. As a matter of fact, dentists usually advise certain populations to avoid teeth whitening treatment. Below are some groups of people with pre-existing conditions that may render whitening treatment unsuitable.  

People with peroxide allergies 

Because peroxide is the primary bleaching agent used to create teeth whitening effect, those who are allergic to peroxide are obviously not suitable candidates for whitening treatment. Otherwise, they may suffer a severe allergic reaction to the bleaching agent.

People with sensitive teeth and gums 

Like those who are allergic to peroxide, people with sensitive teeth and gums also have to give up whitening treatment. If not, they risk suffering severe sensitivity reactions. 

People with cosmetic restorations

Cosmetic restorations like dental bonding, dental crowns, and dental veneers are made of artificial material, and will therefore, not react to the whitening agent. Therefore, any whitening carried out on a smile with restorations will lead to irregular whitening. With some teeth looking whiter and brighter than others, whitening will look as if one has undergone a failed procedure. 

People with cavities

Cavities arise when a person's teeth are broken-down by acid-producing bacteria from food particles. People affected by cavities should give whitening treatment a wide berth, as the whitening agent can find its way into the pulp of the affected teeth and cause severe sensitivity. Any pre-existing cavities will need to be effectively treated prior to teeth whitening.

People with translucent teeth

Over time, people's teeth can look translucent due to erosion of the tooth enamel (the hard, white outermost layer of the tooth). If translucent teeth are whitened, they may appear darker, thus the desired results won't be achieved.  

Pregnant or nursing women 

Expectant or breastfeeding mothers are strongly advised against undergoing teeth whitening treatment because it involves the use of chemicals. This is only a preventative measure, as there are no known adverse effects of the chemicals on pregnant or nursing women.

If you fall into any of the above categories of people, you shouldn't undergo teeth whitening against the advice of your cosmetic dentist. Your health and safety should always come first.
