3 Steps To Repairing Small Chips In Teeth

Despite being protected with enamel, the foods you eat can have an impact on your teeth. One wrong bite from a hard nut or piece of candy can chip your teeth and cause discomfort. Ignoring this small chip may result in long-term tooth decay, larger chips or aesthetic problems. You can prevent further damage by getting a dentist to fix the chip immediately. Here are some steps to repairing small chips in your teeth.

Study The Extent Of The Damage

A dentist will not come up with a treatment plan without studying the extent of the chip damage. Be as honest as possible about the chip because there may be some issues with the bone or root that might need X-ray evaluation. If the chip was caused because of grinding, then it may not be as deep-rooted and may require a surface-level fix. However, if you continue the same grinding habit, keep in mind that the chip repair will come undone in the same manner as the enamel. Your dentist may likely suggest ways to help you stop grinding your teeth to prevent chips from becoming worse over the years.

Prepare The Area For Filling

Before fixing the chip with a composite, porcelain or ceramic filling, the dentist needs to prepare the area. The first step would be to completely clean and remove all tartar and food deposits from the area. The dentist may recommend a complete clean up to ensure that chips don't occur in other areas of your teeth. The tooth clean up will remove all plaque and will ensure that no bacteria remain in your mouth, which could speed up decay and result in more serious dental problems.

Apply The Filling To The Chipped Area

Composite, porcelain or ceramic fillings are typically bonded to your teeth. The dentist will apply a type of conditioning solution on the chipped area, which then roughens it up. This rough area is created to ensure the filling bonds or sticks to teeth better. The colour and shape of the filling are generally chosen to match your teeth for the best aesthetic results. Once the filling is applied, your dentist will buff and polish the area for a natural finish. This procedure is usually undertaken without anaesthesia unless you have a particular sensitivity that needs numbing. Keep in mind that the filling will never be as hard as enamel, so you might have to touch it up every once in a while depending on the way you maintain it. Good oral hygiene will ensure it stays for longer.
